Monday, February 9, 2009

Load dimension members into Planning Application using HAL from Relational Database

Hi Guys,
Good afternoon.
please find the process of loading metadata into planning application using HAL (Hyperion Application Link).
In the example below, I am loading employee dimension using HAL from SQL server table.

You can also load it from flat file (text file or .csv file)

I am using following adapters to complete loading:

  1. Variable

  2. Planning Adapter and

  3. ODBC adapter.

The complete loading flow diagram is shown below:

The first adapter is Variable adapter.
we use this adapter to give log in information and application details.

The second adapter is Planning adapter. We use this adapter as a connector to Planning application. This adapter is fed from variable adapter. Make sure that you change setting to connector in this adapter.

In the General tab you can give custom defined name to adapter like Planning Connector etc.

In the Methods tab you should specify which dimension you are loading in the drop down menu. In this example we changed the dimension to employee as we are loading meta data related to employee.

The third adapter is planning adapter again. Make sure that you change the drop down to load as shown below:

You can specify the name of the adapter. For example Planning load adapter etc.

In the methods section you should specify the dimension you are loading to. In this example we are using Employee.

The last adapter is ODBC adapter.

You should create a DSN for the relational database in the location where you are running the HAL job. Then connect to the relational database.

Select the table which has metadata information.

Once you have all the information. Connect to ports as shown below and save and then run to load metadata.

Hope this helps.

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