Friday, March 22, 2013

Unable to login to Hyperion Workspace or Planning.

Unable to login to Hyperion Workspace or Planning.

One of my friends got this error which says EPMCSS-0031: Failed to authenticate user. Invalid credentials. Enter valid credentials.

All the services (Hyperion Planning, foundational, APS, EAS) were up and running. The passwords were not changed. She tried to restart the services but no luck.

Finally she checked whether the relational databases which support foundation and planning were up. The prod support told that there was an issue on relational database side and they were down.

The gist of this post is if we have this error, we first need to check whether relational database is running or not, next did anyone change the password and then are the services running are not.

1 comment:

  1. I’m lucky I did because now I’ve obtained a whole new view of this.
